Last Time You Had Fun (S6:E02)

We have moments of joy and happiness, but when did you last have true fun?  A time when you lost track of time, laughed so hard you hurt, or maybe a moment that changed your life.  Our lives, and more importantly, the lives of our young athletes, have become so busy that we forget to have fun, which can have serious consequences.  It is time we rethink what it means to have true fun and its value.

Show: Season 6 – Episode 02 (June 2024)
Host: Dan Mickle
Topic: Last Time You Had Fune

Feel free to reach out to us at podcast@mentalcast.comor across all social media @717Soul and @RealDanMickle

Mentioned in Episode

The Power of Fun by Catherine Price

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About Dan Mickle

Dan Mickle founded Soul Performance Academy and has been a coach for over 30 years. He holds an M.S. in Sports/Performance Psychology and an M.S. in Learning Technology and Media Systems. Dan is a current NCAA DIII head volleyball coach. He is pursuing his D.H.Sc, focusing on the coaching considerations of neurodivergent populations. He is an Associate Member of the APA, a certified CBT coach, and a certified Mental Trainer.